HomeProxy Guide

Proxy Guide

Some Overseas retailers and second hand sellers do not do business with International clients.
In order to bid or buy items from overseas websites such as P-Bandai, Yahoo Japan Auctions, Mercari Japan, you will need to use a Proxy service.

What is a proxy?

A proxy is a company or individual who will buy/bid/pickup items for you that you may not have access to in your area.
They handle all the payments, receiving, and shipment of your items for you in Japan (or whatever country you’re buying from).
Once received they will ship to you. This is a paid service, so the price of their service will depend on the proxy and item.

What types of proxy are there?

There are proxy companies with paid staff and there are also individuals who live in the area who are willing to buy items for you and ship
to you for a fee. Proxy companies are great for shop and auction orders, while individual proxy’s often can do store pickups too! (Like from
the Sailor Moon Store, for instance!)

Proxy Companies

These are just a few options. Each website will have a guide on how you can use their service.
For more information, please click the proxy of your choice, and read on how you can use them.
The SMFN team has personally used each of these and recommend them.

ZenMarket (Japan)

From Japan (Japan)

Buyee (Excellent for Mercari Japan)

Celga (Japan)

White Rabbit Express (Japan)

WorldShopping (Japan)

Korea Buying Agent (Korea)

Individual Proxies

The following are individual proxies. Sometimes they are single person ran, but they can have help from friends or family.
Since these are smaller businesses, you often can chat directly with them. A lot of collectors prefer this way, as you don’t have to hunt
for links or do any work, really. Just let them know what you want and they’ll reply if they can get it for you and their price.
These can order online for you and if they’re close or comfortable with going to a physical store for your items, they will.

The following individuals either do their business through a social media account, or a website they created.

We’ll put them into categories.


There are so many individual proxies on Instagram. Instagram is great as you can direct message them. These are just a few suggestions based on what the SMFN have used reliably.

The country listed after their name is the country they can order items from.
They all ship worldwide.

Ball Pens & Etc (Japan)

Oh My Japan (Japan)

Cuapijpn (Japan)

Aiai In Wonderland (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Thailand, Taiwan, & more)

g_h_l_3 (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Thailand, Taiwan, & more)

Girls Union (Japan, Hong Kong)

Ochibawolf’s Toy Shop (USA)

Sailor Moon Philippines Shop ( Philippines )


Proxy’s with a website. They often have a social media page too which you can find on their website.


We hope this helps. If you have specific questions not answered on this page,
feel free to reach out to one of our team members through any of our socials listed on the About page.