Sailor Moon Jacquard Series Vol.2
The second installment of the jacquard series incorporates magical items that appear in the Sailor Moon Eternal movie, like the Crisis Moon Compact, Chibi Moon’s Compact, Moon Kaleidoscopes and Crystal Carillons. All items are available in three colors: pink, off-white, and beige.
Product Lineup
✦ Sailor Moon Jacquard Cushion Cover
✦ Price: 3,300 yen each
✦ Preorder on P-Bandai here
✦ Sailor Moon Jacquard Frilly Pouch
✦ Price: 3,740 yen each
✦ Preorder on P-Bandai here
✦ Sailor Moon Jacquard Slippers
✦ Price: 4,950 yen each
✦ Preorder on P-Bandai here
Shopping Guide
In order to order from Premium Bandai, you need to have a Japan address. If you don’t live in Japan and want to get any of these items, you will need a proxy to buy. Or you can buy on the Japanese second hand market.