Sailor Moon Store: Princess Jupiter Kewpie

Product Details
Next up in the Sailor Moon Costume Kewpie® series is Princess Jupiter to celebrate her birthday next December 5th! Princess Jupiter will be on sale at Sailor Moon store (Harajuku main store) and Sailor Moon store -petit-.
✦Release Date: December, 2022
✦Price Date: 990 yen
*Sailor Moon store ONLINE is scheduled to go on general sales December 22nd, 2022.
As stated before in our previous posts, each princess will be released during their birthday month! To see your favorite princess, see below!
Princess Serenity & Princess Small Lady
Princess Mercury
Princess Venus & Princess Pluto
Source: Sailor Moon Official
Shopping Guide
In order to purchase from the Sailor Moon Store, you need to have a Japan address. If you don’t live in Japan and want to get any of these items, you will need a proxy to buy. Or you can buy on the Japanese second hand market.

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