Sailor Moon 30th Anniversary Special Program

Sailor Moon 30th Anniversary Special Program
Next Thursday, April 28, 2022 at 20:00 pm (Japan time) a special program celebrating the 30th anniversary of Sailor Moon will be broadcast on the official Sailor Moon YouTube channel.
The special guests scheduled to appear are Kotono Mitsuishi, Shizuka Ito, Shoko Nakagawa, and Hyadain.
They are also planning a look back on the history of Sailor Moon and other important topics related to the 30th anniversary project. Anyone can watch it for free, so please remember to follow them on YouTube and tune in next Thursday!.
✦ Cast: Kotono Mitsuishi / Shizuka Ito / Shoko Nakagawa / Hyadain
✦ When: Thursday, April 28, 2022 20:00 (Japan time)
✦ Where: Sailor Moon Official YouTube Channel (Watch HERE)
Source: Sailor Moon Official

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