Sailor Moon Museum: Styledoll Princess Serenity

The hugely sought after Styledoll Princess Serenity doll that was first available at the Sailor Moon Museum last September 10th, completely sold out in one day. Official sources had mentioned she would not be restocked, fortunately though it has been confirmed that they *WILL* be bringing this doll back to the museum next Friday, December 16th, 2022. (Purchase limit: 1 per person)
After the end of the exhibition, they will also make the doll available to order through the official Japanese “Pretty Guardians” fan club (no word on if she will available on the International Fan club, but we’ll keep you updated). More details will be announced later.
Shopping Guide
This product will be available at the Sailor Moon Museum in Japan. Check out our post about the museum HERE. To order this product online, you have to be a member of the Japanese Pretty Guardians Sailor Moon Fan club. If she becomes available to order on the PGSM Fan Club for overseas, we’ll include shopping links.
Source: Sailor Moon Official

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